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Murray Funfacts

Did you know...

That Furry Murray was named after Brian Murray:
Furry Murray first came on the scene when she started eating out of the dumpsters behind Johnnie's Foodmaster Supermarket in Swampscott, MA. Brian Murray, a Foodmaster employee, began to bring Furry Murray food and care for her.  Eventually Jen agreed to take Murray home, and they named her after Brian Murray in honor of his devoted service to this delightful cat!

That Murray was spayed twice:
Murray was actually spayed by her former owner before Jen took her in. When Jen took her to the vet, the vet said that Murray had never been spayed, so Jen made an appointment to spay the furball. Only after Murray had been shaved, put under anesthesia, and cut into, did the vet notice that Murray had in fact been spayed already.

That Murray loves ribs:
Murray caused quite a stir one night when one of Jen's former roommates was cooking ribs.  The roommate had removed the ribs from the oven and left them on the stove to cool for a bit.  While the roommate was out of the kitchen, Murray hopped up on the stove, grabbed the ribs in her mouth, and dragged them to Jen's room to share!